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Showing posts from October, 2021


National flag:   The tricolour flag is our National flag. The three colours are of the same width and are arranged horizontally. The saffron at tha top represents valour and sacrifice. The green at the bottom represents fertility and prosperity. The white band in between represents honesty peace and purity. The Ashoka chakra or the wheel in navy blue represents truth and peace. Out National Flag's length and width proportion is 3:2 respectively and the Ashoka's chakra has 24 spokes in it. National emblem:      The four Lions on top of the Ashoka 'Satyameva Jayate" has been inscribed at its bottom. It means 'Truth alone triumphs'. The National emblem consists of two parts-the upper and the lower parts. The upper part has four lions facing the North, South, East, West. This is on a circular pedestal. One can only see three lions at a time. The lower part has an elephant (energy), a horse (speed), a bull (hardwork) and a lion (majestic). The 'wheel of rightnes

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  INTRODUCTION Tamil Nadu played an important role in the Indian National Movement. Even prior to the Great Revolt of 1857, the rebellion in Panchalam Kuruchi, the 1801 "South Indian Rebellion" of the Marudhu brothers and the Vellore Mutiny of 1801 were the early anti-colonial struggles in Tamil Nadu. During the nationalistic era Tamil Nadu provided the Leaders like G.Subramania Bharathi, C.Rajagopalachari and K.Kamaraj to the National Movement. Besides, the nationalist movement in Tamil Nadu was as active as elsewhere. Beginning of the National Movement in Tamil Nadu The earliest political organisation, the Madras Native Association was started in july 1852. Lakshminarasu Chetty and Srinivas Pillai were the founders of this organization. The Madras Native Association was sharply critical of the policies of the East India Company's rule. subsequently in 1884, the Madras Maharaja Sabha was estabilished by P.Anandacharlu and P.Rangaiya Naidu. The Madras Native Association w


VELLORE MUTINY   Vellore was the capital of erstwhile North Arcot district in Tamil Nadu. At present, this district is named after its capital Vellore. It is a well fortified and beautiful city. With the expansion of the East India Company's rule in India, the native rulers and their dependents suffered. The native rulers either submitted or rebelled. These rebellions had no clear vision or ideal but purely motivated by the territorial interest of the native rulers and their ambition to preserve the old feudal order. The heroism and sacrifice of individuals like Puli Thevar, Kattabomman and Marudhu Brothers had no parallel. But all these Leaders never organised the common people for a unified and meaningful cause. The ideas of nationalism , political consciousness and organized struggle came much later. In Vellore the native sepoys rose in revolt in 1806. This incident differs from other previous rebellions in. The earlier rebellions were those of the native rulers. The vellore Mut


  INTRODUCTION In Tamil Nadu, as in other parts of India, the earliest expressions of opposition to Brithish rule took the form of Localized rebellions and uprisings. Chief among these was the revolt of the Palayakkaras (Poligars) against the East India Company. The Palayakkarar system had evolved with the extension of Vijayanagar rule into Tamil Nadu. Each Palayakkarar was the holder of a territory or Palayam (usually consisting of a few villages), granted to him in return for military service and tribute. In most cases, the Palayakkarars gave little attention to perform their duties and were interested in increasing their own powers. With their numerical strength, extensive resources, local influence and independent attitude, the Palayakkarars came to constitute a powerful force in the political system of South India. They regarded themselves as independent, sovereign authorities within their respective Palayams, arguing that their lands had been handed down to them across a span of

Emperor Akbar(1556-1605)

AKBAR   (1556-1605) During Humayun's in the Rajputana desert,his wife gave birth to a son, Jalaluddin, known as Akbar, in 1542. Akbar was crowned  at the age of fourteen. At the time of Akbar's ascension, the Afghans and Rajputs were still powerful and posted a great challenge. Yet he had a guardian and protector in Bairam Khan. Second Battle of Panipat(1556) Hemu, the Hindu general of the displaced Afghan King Adil Shah, successor of Sher Shah, induced the king to permit him to lead the Afghan army against the Mughals. Encouraged by the King, Hemu first look Gwalior , expelling the Mughal governor. Then he marched on Agra and captured it without any resistance. Hemu's generosity helped him to overcome potential enemies.  When he took Delhi. In November 1556 Akbar marched towards Delhi to meet the forces of Hemu in the Second Battle of Panipat. An arrow struck the eye of Hemu when the battle was likely to end in his favour. The Leaderless Afghan army became demoralised and


  The Later Cholas The cholas are one among the popular and well-known Tamil monarchs in the history of South India. The elobrate state structure, the extensive irrigation network,the vast number of temples they built,their great contributions to art and architecture and their overseas exploits have given them a pre-eminent position in histoty. Revival of the Chola rule The ancient Chola kingdom reigned supreme with the kaveri delta forming the core area of its rule and with Uraiyur(present-day Thiruchirapalli)as its capital. It rose to prominence  during the reign of Karikala but gradually declined under his successors. In the 9th century Vijalaya, ruling over a small territory lying north of the kaveri,revived the chola Dynasty. He conquered Thanjavur and made it his capital. Later Rajendra 1 and his successors ruled the empire from Gangaikonda Cholapuram, the newly built capital. (Rajendra Cholan)... Rajaraja 1 (A.D.(CE) 985-1014) was the most powerful ruler of Chola empire and also

The Muvendar

  The Sangam Age The first three centuries of the Common Era are widely accepted as the Sangam period,as the information for this period is mainly derived from the sangam Literature.More Correctly this has to be called as the early historical period and the second century BCE,as we have Clear epigraphical and archaeological evidence,in addition to literary evidence. The Muvendar Though the three Tamil ruling families were known to Ashoka in the third century BCE itself,some individual names are known only from the Sangam poems of the first century and later.Known as Muvendar, 'the three crowned kings',the Cheras,Cholas,and Pandays controlled major agrarian territories,trade routes and towns.But the satiyaputra (same as Athiyaman)found in the Ashokan inscription along with the above three houses is a velir chief in the sangam poems. The Cholas The cholas controlled the Central and northern parts of TamilNadu.Their core area of rule was the Kaveri delta,later known as Cholamandal